John was in Colorado on a bow hunting trip. Friday morning he had to fly from
Cortez, Colorado (the closest airport) to Denver and then, after a layover in Denver and a short layover in Chicago, he would fly into the airport in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

This is the
Cortez Airport, waiting area and runway. Does this give you an idea of how small the plane was that he flew on to Denver!

John landed in Denver and then his adventure began. About the time we were driving onto an army base in Baltimore, he was finding out that his plane to Chicago was very delayed. 5 hours later...they started hunting him another way to get to Harrisburg. He ended up flying into Dulles Airport in Washington....had another delay and then finally flew into Harrisburg. He should have gotten to the
Crowne Plaza in Harrisburg around 7 that night but instead he got to the hotel at 1 am the next morning.
Skip back to earlier that evening......Brady, Kim and I went out to eat. Most of the town of Harrisburg was closed down because of the flooding. We had the choice of eating at the hotel or at a really nice restaurant a 1/2 block away. We chose to go down the block. I turned the sound off of my phone as we went into the restaurant.
Picture this......after John figured out what time he would finally land.....he started calling me but I forgot to turn the sound back on my phone. He wasn't worried when he couldn't get me...he would just go to the desk. I had fallen asleep....I had been up really early that morning...I never saw the phone light up as poor John tried to get me to answer. The desk, and rightly so, would not give him my room number! He had to wake up Brady at 1:30 to find out my room number.
Finally, he is headed up the elevator to our room. But is not going to be that easy....I had the safety lock on the door. John opened the door and it would not open. I had fallen asleep ( I was just going to take a nap and then try to call John) with the air and the TV on and I did not hear, at 1:45 in the morning, he had to yell for me to wake up! He didn't seem too proud to see me right then....luckily he was too tired to vocalize it!