Thursday, October 29, 2009

My 100th Post

Prayers for Stellan

I wish that Stellan was up and running around today
Today is his 1st Birthday
My Charming Kids was the first blog that I became hooked on that I have never met the people involved
I feel like I know this little boy
He is in the hospital today
I think this is what blogs are all about
I am praying today for a baby I have never met and yet.....
I feel like I know him

So I dropped all my plans of what I was going to say for my 100th post
and just want to say



kimberly t. bowling said...

I agree with you completely on all points. At times it seems weird that I feel like I "know" these blog people, and then others, especially those moments when shared in prayer, I smile and think....this internet thing, God is moving along at warp speed with the click of a mouse.

I think it makes all believers feel closer, and prayerfully, I believe it is helping to create many new believers.

Happy 100th post, Mrs. Joy! Love you!

Amanda McCrory said...

Congrats on post #100 I dont think I have had that many post and I have to agree with Kimberly God is moving all around us!