Monday, February 11, 2013

Bells at the Bama Theatre

February 7th, 2013 
The Northport Elementary School presented a program at the Bama Theatre Thursday night. Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades presented music. It was a wonderful venue and I hope they do it again.........they just need to tweek a few things.
The 2nd grade learn how to play handbells. So, JB3 along with his class mates played handbells and the Kindergarten and 2nd grade sang.
We sat in the 3rd row from the front but JB3 was hidden behind the grand piano. Like I said a few things to tweek but I love the idea!

The whole class came back on stage. at the end of the program, and sang some patriotic songs

There is our big boy!

Brady and JB3

Pops and JB3

Kim with John Brady

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