Friday, May 22, 2009

Where in the world is...........Josh Lawson

That's Coach Lawson now. Josh was hired by Southern Arkansas University to help coach the defense. He has been living in Magnolia, Arkansas since January.

Josh would tell you when he was six years old that he wanted to be a coach and he has pursued his dream all his life. Josh has had quite the adventures pursuing his dream and I am going to make this an ongoing post to chronicle some of the people he has met and places he has been.

Our whole family misses Josh everyday but we are so proud of him. One of Josh's favorite roles is that of Uncle Josh. The kids adore him and he adores them.
NOW---well a few years ago....Uncle Josh with Abby Claire. This has always been one of Josh's favorite pictures so I thought I would include it for him.
THEN---The 6 year old Josh after the Berry Wildcats won a Toybowl Championship.