Monday, January 18, 2010

The Best Santa Ever

Or in Brady's words "the best marketing idea ever".

The whole family loaded up and went to Pops favorite place....The Bass Pro Shop.

Word had gotten around that they had the best Santa in town. I guess I would have to agree. The scene was so pretty and it was a good Santa. While the kids stood in line we entertained John Brady and Lawson. John Brady wanted to shoot the guns at the little gallery upstairs. After Lawson watched JB3 shoot he was begging to play. I only had big bills, John and JB3 had already walked away, so I told Lawson that I didn't have any dollar bills but we would go see if his Daddy had any. He was so funny. As we were walking downstairs he kept telling anyone that would listen, with his little palms turned up, that he "had no money". Poor baby. Well, we got four dollar bills and headed back up to the guns. Pop and John Brady came back to help Lawson. Lawson lost interest after just a few minutes and then we discovered what he was really interested in. He begged to make change. You shoot the guns you had to put your dollar into the change machine and get quarters. He was amazed. So we let him make change out of the three dollars we had left and then he cried to do it again! Dave said he would remember that.... a cheap way to entertain Lawson!

As you can tell....Lawson was not thrilled with Santa!

I made Brady and Kim's picture with their camera so

I don't have a picture of them!

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