Monday, December 21, 2009

They said it

I just returned from a wonderful trip to New York City with part of my family. The trip was to take Emma and Abby to see NYC and especially to take them to dinner at American Girl and for their first play to be on Broadway at NYC.
There are many wonderful memories but one statement I will always remember.......

We were seeing times Square for the first time
It was night
All lit up
Emma was walking in front holding Uncle Dave's hand
She looked up at Dave and said.....

Uncle Dave, "I am going to grow up and live here"!

Also, Brady and John Brady spent the weekend with Pops at the Creepy Hollow hunting camp.
Pops said they cooked, rode in the woods, went hunting and just enjoyed being with JB3. Pops was so tickled because John Brady had such a good time.
As it was getting close to time for Brady and JB3 to go home
Pops asked JB3 if he would come back
He looked up at Pops and said.....

Pops, "I'm not leaving"!

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