Friday, February 18, 2011


Saturday, after the Mercedes Kids Marathon, the Lawson gang headed out to eat lunch. We ate at a restaurant that we had not tried before. Dale's Southern Grill down highway 280. YUMMMY. Good food-Good prices.

After lunch we headed to Treetop Adventures to play lazer tag. This was John Brady's birthday gift from us. I love finding something new and fun that the kids can do for their birthday. After all memories are forever and priceless. The kids had a good time and we had a good time watching. Hope you enjoyed your birthday gift JB3.

By the time the kids had spent their playing cards at Treetop Adventures everybody
was pooped and headed home.
Another great family day.....Priceless Pops helping John Brady "suit up"

Got on their "game face"

Lawson trying out his "gun"

Kim helping Abby Claire

Listening to the game plan

Lawson's lazer vest came to his ankles

waiting in line for the go carts

Emma is all into the go carts

Abby Claire taking a curve

When you aren't tall enough you have to ride with someone
Brady and John Brady

Go Abby

Lawson and Dave

Dave and Lawson behind

1 comment:

Kim Lawson said...

I think everyone had a great time!! Funny how Lawson's mouth is wide open in the go cart pics.